Howard and Stephanie Humphrey Dialysis Centre
Three years ago, we celebrated two very special donors at the Lakeridge Health Whitby site
Three years ago, we celebrated two very special donors at the Lakeridge Health Whitby site with the naming of the Howard and Stephanie Humphrey Dialysis Centre. On June 21, 2018, their long time generosity was recognized with the unveiling of the new Centre took place amongst friends, family, and hospital staff.
Today we recognize the Humphrey family again and the impact their support has had on this critical program in Durham Region. Unfortunately, Howard passed away last year but his significant commitment to our community alongside wife Stephanie will continue to advance kidney care in Whitby and ensure expert services and state-of-the-art technology is available, close to home.
At the Howard and Stephanie Humphrey Dialysis Centre in Whitby, patients receive in-centre hemodialysis 3 times a week, every week. The Hospital site is also home to a transition unit that supports patients who may qualify for home hemodialysis instead of in hospital dialysis, to support them in setting up their treatments in the comfort of their own home.
Hemodialysis, or dialysis, is a life-saving treatment that mimics the functions of the kidney. When a patient’s kidneys are damaged or no longer present, a dialysis machine will filter a patient’s blood that provides critical support and improved quality of life.
As an essential treatment, the dialysis program simply could not pause during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We are pleased to say we continued to provide seamless service to our patients,” says Heather Reid, Director of Nephrology and Diabetes at Lakeridge Health. “Our dialysis program carried on without interruption. With enhanced precautions, we could ensure our patients received the care they needed every day.”
The Centre was also able to utilize some of the dialysis chairs in the transition unit to accommodate increased volumes in the Centre. Since 2018, patient visits have increased to as many as 11,969 for in-centre hemodialysis.
The team also worked diligently to bring COVID-19 vaccinations directly to their patients ensuring the vulnerable individuals in their care could easily access vaccines while attending treatments.
“Private investment in our Hospital, such as the significant support from the Humphreys, means our frontline heroes have the best equipment and resources to serve our patients,” says Yves Gadler, CEO, Lakeridge Health Foundation. “In our Whitby Hospital, this means the latest dialysis machines are on hand to treat patients in the Howard and Stephanie Humphrey Dialysis Centre and reverse osmosis machines, or the equipment that filters the water used during dialysis, can be replaced with the very best models.”
Please join us in thanking the Humphrey family once more for their commitment to healthcare in Whitby and acknowledging the important work our medical professionals do every single day.
If you’d like to support kidney care at Lakeridge Health, please visit www.lhfoundation.ca and choose ‘kidney care & diabetes’ in the drop down menu.