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Brooklyns Story
Local Teen Honours Mom with Cancer
For 16-year-old Brookyn Burger-Jacobs, being home for the holidays this year is more important than ever. Her Mom Kelly is battling Stage 4 pancreatic cancer and every moment together is more precious than the last.
Unlike most teenagers, Brooklyn isn’t focused on video games or social media these days. The young philanthropist is seeking to bring her family hope and healing by raising money in honour of her Mom. Working with Lakeridge Health Foundation, Brooklyn and her family are setting up the Kelly Burger’s Legacy Endowment Fund in support of cancer care.
“My Mom is the most important person in my life. I love her so much and I wanted to find a way to celebrate her,” shares Brooklyn. “Raising money for the Hospital means we can help families just like mine get the best cancer care close to home. When I get older I want to look back on what we’ve done and know I made a difference – that there are more types of care and treatment for cancer patients.”
To date, Brooklyn has raised over $5,000 of the $25,000 needed to start her Mom’s Endowment Fund with Lakeridge Health Foundation. She is most grateful to the Ron and Nancy Compton Family Foundation for stepping forward with the lead donation. Brooklyn is hoping to reach her goal as soon as possible so she can celebrate with her Mom and Dad.
“Endowment Funds are an impactful way to address the immediate and long-term needs of a specific area of care.” Explains Steve MacDonald, Director of Development at Lakeridge Health Foundation. “Money raised through an Endowment Fund is invested in perpetuity and provides a reliable and ongoing commitment to Lakeridge Health. After meeting Brooklyn, we knew right away that an Endowment Fund would ensure her hard work would see an impact for years and years.”
Brooklyn’s Mom, Kelly, is receiving care at Lakeridge Health’s R.S. McLaughlin Durham Regional Cancer Centre (DRCC) in Oshawa. One of the top Cancer Centre’s in Ontario, the DRCC sees over 100,000 patients every year and provides comprehensive cancer care, close to home, including prevention and screening, diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care.
One in two Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Pancreatic cancer specifically is the third leading cause of cancer death in Canada and has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers. Many people can go undiagnosed because symptoms include general fatigue, nausea and lack of appetite. In fact, three-quarters of pancreatic cancer cases go undiagnosed until Stage 4 when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Since 2008, Lakeridge Health’s DRCC has participated in six clinical trials for pancreatic cancer and the impressive research program has approximately 90 clinical trials in cancer at any given time.
Compelled by their daughter’s motivation and bravery, the Burger-Jacobs family wants to share their story with the community in the hopes it will provide comfort to other families – and so Kelly can see Brooklyn’s wishes come to fruition.
“Until now we’ve been very private about Kelly’s cancer and have confided in only a close circle of friends,” says Rob Jacobs, Brooklyn’s Dad. “We are so proud of Brooklyn. You raise your child to make their mark on this world and we are just so thrilled to see her doing that and more.”
For Kelly, it means seeing her daughter turn a crushing situation into something of positivity, “Cancer is devastating. It is one of the worst words a person can hear. Yet it has unexpectedly brought my family closer together. I am so touched by what my daughter is doing for me, and for others. My heart is full watching her take this on and I am seeing her grow beyond her years, right in front of my eyes.”
Brooklyn is poised to continue fundraising with the help of her friends, family and community. “You see cancer on TV and in movies. You think you know what it’s like but you don’t. I have felt my Mom go through this cancer. It’s our cancer. And it’s not just my cause either, it’s ours too,” says Brooklyn. “I’m doing this not just for my Mom, but for all the families who need to know we’re in this together.”
Anyone wishing to help Brooklyn reach her $25,000 goal can contribute to the Kelly Burger’s Legacy Endowment Fund at www.kellyburgerfund.com.